Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has proclaimed National Small Business Week to recognize the importance of America’s small businesses. SBA district offices throughout the nation and its territories host and participate in a variety of events and functions to honor the crucial role small businesses play in our communities and award deserving businesses in various categories. Award winners from each category then compete at the state, regional, and national level. Winners of the National Small Business Week Awards participate in the festivities in Washington, D.C. as the President salutes their contributions to the nation’s economy.
Winners from the Santa Ana District for the 2011 Small Business Week Awards are as follows:
Small Business of the Year: Garner Holt, Garner Holt Productions, San Bernardino
District Exporter of the Year: Roy Paulson, Paulson Manufacturing, Temecula
District Veteran Small Business Champion: Albert Renteria, Southwest Veterans Business Resource Center, Perris
District Women in Business Champion: Hilda J. Kennedy, AmPac TriState CDC, Grand Terrace
California Small Business Development Center Service Excellence & Innovation Award: Mark Mitchell, TriTech SBDC, Riverside
Please join us on June 2nd at San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino at 11:30am as we honor their achievements at the 48th Annual Small Business Week Awards Celebration. Tickets are $40 if registered before May 26th or $50 after. To register for the event, please visit 48th annualsbwawards.eventbrite.com. Questions may be directed to Jennifer Hoff at (909) 888-9011 ext. 201.