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Born Learning Program Continues Thanks to First5

San Bernardino, CA – First5 San Bernardino granted Arrowhead United Way (AUW) $100,000 to continue the Born Learning program.  The premise of Born Learning is that children absorb information in the early stages of development.  The program increases awareness in parents/caregivers and helps them engage their young children in learning.  The program also provides information to parents about the health needs of young children.

AUW will be providing Born Learning workshops to the community within the next year by partnering with local non-profit organizations such as Big Bear Community Health Systems, San Bernardino Adult School, and San Bernardino Housing Authority.  AUW also offers community wide Born Learning workshops.

The next Born Learning workshop will be:

□   Tuesday September 28th, 2010 from 5:30 pm to 6:30pm

Arrowhead United Way – 646 North D street, San Bernardino CA 92401

For more information of if you would like to attend, contact Maria Herrera at (909) 884-9441 ext 237 or

AUW is a volunteer driven organization that actively supports health and human services by focusing on youth services, family services, and basic needs.  These services address the underlying causes of the community’s issues and create lasting change.  The organization was established over 118 years ago and is led by prominent respected community leaders; it is one of the oldest United Ways in the country.

AUW encourages individuals to become more involved in the community by giving, advocating, and volunteering.  For more information about how to become involved with AUW, please call (909) 884-9441 or visit

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