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Chino Basin Desalter Authority Names Thomas O’Neill General Manager

Ontario, CA – Chino Basin Desalter Authority (CDA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas O’Neill as the General Manager/CEO effective April 15, 2019. The CDA Board of Directors unanimously approved his contract at the March 7, 2019 Board Meeting.

O’Neill has over 33 years in the water industry and has served as Interim General Manager for CDA since November 2018. He has been closely involved with CDA for over 18 years, serving as the CDA’s first Coordinator from 2001-2005, as the Co-Project Manager for the construction of the Chino I Desalter Expansion & Chino II Desalter, represented the City of Ontario for the Chino Desalter Phase III Expansion Program and as a Technical Advisory Committee Member since 2007. He was employed with the City of Ontario from 2005-2019, most recently as the Utilities Operations Director overseeing the City’s water, sewer and environmental programs. Prior to that he served at Jurupa Community Services District from 1986-2005 overseeing the water, sewer and engineering programs.

“The CDA is not a typical water wholesaler. Its unique multi-faceted treatment facilities share a primary goal to desalinate brackish groundwater in response to the Optimum Basin Management Program while providing a sustainable water supply to its members” stated O’Neill. “I am looking forward to working closely with the CDA Board of Directors and staff to resolve the dynamic challenges this region faces.”

“The Chino Desalter Authority Board and I are delighted that Mr. O’Neill will be leading the membership through the transition from expansion and construction into our future of increased drinking water production and deliveries,” stated Robert Stockton, Board Chair of the CDA. “Tom brings with him a wealth of operational knowledge and managerial experience gained here within the Chino Basin. Equally important, his ability to inspire collaboration among the members of the authority will effect both the CDA and the communities we serve for generations to come.”

The Chino I Desalter (Chino I) began operation in 2000 as the first phase of a groundwater management project designed to help maintain hydraulic control of the Chino Groundwater Basin (Chino Basin or the Basin), to preserve or increase the yield of the Basin, to remove contaminants from the groundwater, and to provide a reliable drinking water supply. The Chino II Desalter (Chino II) began operation in 2006 to expand the capacity of the groundwater treatment system. Treatment technologies used at Chino I and Chino II include reverse osmosis (RO), ion-exchange (IX) and volatile organic compound (VOC) air stripping. Construction of these facilities constituted the Chino Desalter Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects. The unique Phase 3 Expansion Project increased the capacity of the Chino II Desalter by 10.5 mgd capacity through a concentrate reduction facility used to retreat brine disposal waste to recapture a higher percentage of potable water.

Chino Desalter facilities are owned and operated by the Chino Basin Desalter Authority (CDA), a joint powers authority composed of CDA member agencies that include the Cities of Chino, Chino Hills, Ontario, Norco, Jurupa Community Services District, Santa Ana River Water Company, Western Municipal Water District and Inland Empire Utilities Agency.

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