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“Chino Cares” Movement Launches to Unite Community 

Chino Cares

Chino, CA – Over thirty-five City of Chino employees attended the official inauguration of the “Chino Cares” movement at last night’s City Council meeting and several community members signed a pledge to join.

Chino Cares is a grass-roots movement that began with City of Chino employees on a mission of reaching every area of the diverse Chino Community and bringing people together. In a nation where communities are dividing over their differences, the City of Chino is looking to unify under the one sentiment that is common across the spectrum – “We Care.”

Chino is already known for being a tight-knit, close, community. Chino Cares is a way to invest ourselves more deeply in what we already do well, ensuring that we will stand together when something difficult comes our way.

Each participant (employee, resident, business or organization) is asked to pledge to five basic principles:

  • Be Informed
  • Be Prepared
  • Be Connected
  • Be Committed
  • Be Supportive

Pledging to these five principles will make Chino more resilient community after any kind of disaster or critical incident the City may face. In addition to making our community more resilient, Chino Cares allows City employees the opportunity to personally connect with members of the community through special events and projects. This is an opportunity to bring City Hall into the community.

“It’s all in the name-Chino Cares! People in Chino care about what happens here, and they are enthusiastically willing to give of their time, skills and energy to invest in Chino. This is the key to maintaining strong and healthy neighborhoods,” Mayor Eunice Ulloa said. “I commend our staff for kicking off this movement and challenge our residents and businesses to take the pledge today!”

Individuals, businesses and organizations are invited to become part of the Chino Cares initiative by completing the online pledge

In addition, Chino Cares employees will be out at Ayala Park on Saturday, September 15th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm to provide more information about the movement, collect pledges, and provide residents with tips on helping them get their families prepared for an emergency.

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