Nielsen will give visitors an up-close look at the artifacts at the site and discuss their importance in the telling of history. Guests will also have a chance to learn how to care for their own family treasures in order to preserve them for the future.
“Artifacts, whether large enough to fill an airplane hangar or small enough to fit in your hand, have the power to tell us something about the past,” said Nielsen. “Many families have special treasures, from quilts and coverlets to jewelry, or even things like farm equipment or mixing bowls, with a special meaning, a special story to tell. Their part in your family history is worth preserving. Simple, easy steps you can take now will prolong the life of your family treasures, ensuring future generations can get enjoyment and family connection from them. We will look at care, handling, and storage techniques you can use today that will make a difference for tomorrow.”
A table will be set up for a mini demonstration using things like archival acid free storage containers. Resource hand-outs will help everyone learn about caring for their treasures, and how they can obtain the needed supplies.
One of the San Bernardino County Museum historic sites, the John Rains House is at 8810 Hemlock in Rancho Cucamonga. For more information, call (909) 989-4970 or (909) 307-2669 ext. 240, or visit