Jane Goodall. Photo by David S. Holloway
The Redlands Forum Presents an Evening with Jane Goodall
Inland Empire, CA – The Redlands Forum, sponsored by Esri and the University of Redlands Town & Gown, is pleased to offer an exciting evering with Dr. Goodall as she presents Gombe and Beyond: The Next 50 Years. Goodall will reflect- both personally and professionally- on the meaning of the past five decades and the role we all must play to ensure a better future for generations to come.
All proceeds received will go to the Jane Goodall Institute. Tickets purchased online will be available for pick up in the Campus Events office, University of Redlands, located in the Hunsaker Center.
Monday, February 21, 2011, at 7:30 pm
University of Redlands Memorial Chapel
Tickets $10 for adults, $5 for students
Fifty years ago last July, Dr. Jane Goodall first arrived in what is now Gombe National Park in Tanzania, Africa. the chimpanzee behavioral research she pioneered there has produced a wealth of scientific discovery, and her vision has expanded to a global mission to empower people to make a difference for all living things.
Today Jane’s work revolves around mobilizing action on behalf of all wildlife species, but particularly chimpanzees, who are endangered.
The Jane Goodall Institute works to protect the famous chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania, but recognizes this can’t be accomplished without a holistic approach that addresses the real needs of local people.
The efforts of the Institute include sustainable development programs that engage communities as true partners. These programs began around Gombe but now spread across the continent.