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E. S. Babcock Laboratories Receives ACIL Seal of Excellence Award

In light of the economic downturn facing California, many small Southern California businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Small businesses have the difficult task of competing with larger corporate counterparts while facing cautious consumers worried about spending. In times like these, it becomes imperative that businesses deliver the highest quality services and products while providing exceptional customer service.

Allison Mackenzie, CEO/CFO of E. S. Babcock Laboratories

“So many of our clients are under such tight budgetary pressure, it is our obligation to provide anything we can to make their lives easier,” commented Allison Mackenzie, CEO/CFO of E. S. Babcock Laboratories. “It is no surprise that strong client relationships are critical to the survival of small businesses, and this is more important than ever in the new economic reality we all face.” continued Ms. Mackenzie, “These days, the public agencies and private companies we serve have no funds to spare so they aren’t going to support contractors that provide marginal quality and poor service. They are looking for strong, consistent business partners.”

E. S. BABCOCK & SONS’ (ESB) focus on quality environmental data and customer service is being noticed. This year marks their sixth Seal of Excellence Award – the highest national recognition given to environmental laboratories. The SEAL OF EXCELLENCE is conferred by the American Council of Independent Laboratories, and reflects recipients’ adherence to rigorous ethical standards, the highest quality lab results, and exemplary customer service. E. S. Babcock is one of the five (5) top laboratories nationwide in ACIL to receive special recognition for overall customer service. “It is especially exciting for us since the competition includes huge national and international laboratory chains,” observed Mackenzie.

Located in Riverside since 1906, E. S. Babcock is a proud Inland Empire company. ESB will celebrate 105 years of analytical testing in 2011, giving the company the added distinction of being one of the longest continuously operating companies in California. The laboratory provides analytical testing of water, wastewater, and hazardous waste to a wide variety of municipalities and industrial clients.  As a cornerstone of local business, ESB was called upon to support early environmental protection initiatives. Today ESB continues to partner with local water districts, sanitation agencies, and private industries in their mission to protect the public health and the environment.

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