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Glass Museum's Annual Parking Lot Sale

Saturday, October 15th from 8:00 – 12:00 the Glass Museum will hold its Annual Parking Lot Sale.  This year the museum is going first class, limiting it sales to glass, china, pottery, silver, art, and jewelry from the museum’s storage attic. The museum will also be selling several pieces of Fostoria’s ‘American’ glass, duplicate pieces from their recent donation of 900+ pieces of American pattern glass.

In addition Emmas Trunk and Glass in the Garden will have booths, donating 15% of their sales to the museum. The museum gift shop will be open from 8:00 – 4:00. A one day only 20% discount will be given on all antiques and collectibles in the gift shop with the exception of the hand blown glass on consignment which will be discounted at 10%.

A free prize drawing will  be held every half-hour during the sale to be held in the museum parking lot, 1157 N. Orange Street, four blocks north of the I-10.

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