Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative launched by Mrs. Obama in an effort to combat the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States. Studies have shown that health education curriculum is most influential early in a child’s life. Let’s Move! aims to increase knowledge and awareness about the dangers of unhealthy habits before they become a routine by making children’s health the responsibility of every American. The Let’s Move! initiative is focusing on the accomplishment of the following five goals:
- Creating a healthy start for children
- Empowering parents and caregivers
- Providing healthy food in schools
- Improving access to healthy, affordable foods
- Increasing physical activity
The Healthy Fontana Program has joined forces with Let’s Move! to promote healthy and active living in the City of Fontana.
In order to work toward the five goals above, Healthy Fontana continues to provide a wide variety of healthy programming including youth and adult cooking classes, walking clubs, boot camps, and encouraging participation in community physical activity classes. Healthy Fontana has also partnered with City schools, county and regional organizations, and area hospitals to integrate health education into local programs, participate in community events and provide community outreach.
Over the summer, Healthy Fontana teamed up with the City’s community centers, sports, aquatics, nature and teen camps to offer weekly nutrition, physical activity and food preparation classes in conjunction with normal programming.
Healthy Fontana is proud to take this opportunity to join the First Lady in her efforts to combat obesity and will continue to partner with and support the Let’s Move! Program in order to promote the adoption of healthy behaviors.
To learn more about Healthy Fontana and all of the ways Fontana is working towards a healthier future, please visit healthyfontana.org.