High-Tech Healthcare seminar to educate nearly 100 students about the future of medicine.
San Bernardino, CA – On Saturday, March 3rd nearly 100 high school and college students will head to the Business Building on San Bernardino Valley College’s campus to participate in the High-Tech Healthcare seminar. This innovative event will feature 12 presenters and industry speakers from the Inland Empire who will speak to students about careers in the areas of Genomics, Telemedicine, Robotics, and Wearable Devices. This event will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and is organized by the Inland Health Professions Coalition and San Bernardino Valley College.
“We are excited to introduce students to some of the careers of the future and feature partners who are pioneers in the field of genomics, telemedicine, and robotics,” said Carol Allbaugh, Director, Inland Health Professions Coalition.
This advanced seminar will allow students to hear directly from professionals who currently work in the high-tech healthcare field. Genomics, Robotics, Telemedicine, and Wearable Devices are just some of the areas where the future of medicine is heading. The future is now, and the healthcare industry has technologies that years ago we could only imagine. Students will also get to participate in exciting hands-on activities, that will help further their interest in these fields.
The goal of this seminar is to show students where the healthcare and medicine industry is headed. With leaders of high-tech healthcare right here in the Inland Empire we are excited to introduce students to careers that they may not know exist.
About Us:
Inland Health Professions Coalition (IHPC) helps address the need for health professionals in the Inland Empire by helping students identify health-related careers and providing work-based learning experiences. IHPC is part of Reach Out, a non-profit organization which addresses the regions toughest issues through counseling, education, prevention, and advocacy. For more information, visit www.inlandcoalition.org and www.facebook.com/inlandcoalition.