Dr. David Pearson, Managing Director, Entrepreneurial Programs, UC Riverside will speak about the resources available to local manufacturers through Discover UCR. He joined UCR in 2019 and opened the region’s first wet lab incubator facility on the UCR campus. He now heads up the university’s new Technology Partnerships outreach to Inland Empire manufacturers.
Manufacturers and their supporters will learn what to expect in the coming years as automation technologies arise across the world and how they can adapt to the changes.
The event is on Thursday, July 22nd from on 3:50pm to 5:00pm via Zoom. Pearson’s presentation is not to be missed! Interested individuals from all industries are welcome to reserve their spot at https://mfgcouncilie.com/events/ at no cost.
The online event will focus on stories of other manufacturers’ successes, the many different advanced laboratories and faculty members committed to the applied research that could support local manufacturing.
Discover UCR aims to better connect the university’s resources to Riverside and San Bernardino County manufacturers who are seeking specialized equipment, technologies, and collaborations to create competitive new products for national markets.
Pearson has 35 years’ senior management experience across technical, operational, and general management roles in the pharmaceutical, medical device and manufacturing industries. He has a PhD in biophysics, an MBA in technology management and has a corporate director’s certification.
The Manufacturers’ Council, offers monthly “Happy Hour” Zoom conferences for attendees to learn valuable information about the industry and how to help their companies’ thrive, and is funded in major part by a grant from the California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC).
The Manufacturers’ Council of the Inland Empire (MCIE) supports education and workforce training on behalf of manufacturers throughout the region, offering expertise in a variety of topics including innovative workforce solutions. Resources and problem-solving strategies, that are provided through MCIE membership, generate positive economic impacts to employers, employees, students (from grade school through college), and the community at large. For more on events, or to register, visit MFGCouncilie.com.