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Museum Trip to the Salton Sea

A few spaces are still available for a day trip to the Salton Sea led by San Bernardino County Museum Director Robert McKernan on Saturday, January 28, 2011. The registration deadline is Wednesday, January 25.

The Salton Sea is the largest inland surface water body in California. The National Wildlife Refuge at the south end of the sea is a major stop on the Pacific Flyway.

“The Salton Sea supports one of the most diverse bird populations in the United States, with more than 375 species,” said Robert McKernan. “It is one of the most impressive areas in the nation for observing wintering bird life. This day trip will provide us an opportunity to learn about the natural history of the Salton Basin.” An ornithologist, Robert McKernan has conducted research at the Salton Sea for more than 30 years and has led hundreds of field trips to the area.

Participants in the field trip will meet at the museum at 6:30 am and return about 6 pm. McKernan recommends bringing along a field guide to birds and a pair of binoculars. Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes, a hat, and a jacket.

The cost of $70 per person ($60 for Museum Association members), includes transportation, lunch, snacks, and beverages. Space is limited, and pre-paid registration is required by January 25, 2011. Call LaWanda Avery-Brown at (909) 307-2669 ext. 225. The San Bernardino County Museum is at the California Street exit from Interstate 10 in Redlands. For more information, visit or call (909) 307-2669.

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