Murder Mystery Dinner Theater brought to you by C and C Productions on March 8th and 10th (matinee at 1pm) Audiences are in love with "You Know the Old Slaying", the latest...
Ready to tackle a new year and new opportunities, NAIOP Inland Empire welcomes its 2013 leadership board. The 43-member board and administration team will carry out the chapter’s mission to...
The San Bernardino County Museum offers badge workshops for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Brownie Girl Scouts. This spring, scouts have a variety of opportunities to earn a badge while...
Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors Takes Wrestling Rivalry and Immigration Politics Into the Ring. United We Stand Tour Brings Family-Friendly Entertainment To Fans in Ontario on April 14. Bigger, badder, better—and...
San Bernardino County Museum Curator of Paleontology Eric Scott will give an afternoon talk, “Mojave River and Pleistocene Lake Manix,” exploring the fossil record of the ancient Mojave Desert at...
Saturday, March 9, 8:00 p.m.: BENISE - The Spanish Guitar The Spanish Guitar has been hailed as the Latin equivalent of such celebrated music and dance spectacles as Riverdance and...
Family Fun Day activities focused on Serrano culture are scheduled at the San Bernardino County Museum on Saturday, March 9, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. All family fun activities,...
Rχ For Your Tax Bill Workshop to cover federal and state tax credits that can help remedy this tax season The San Bernardino Valley Enterprise Zone (SBVEZ) is hosting a...
Thursday, March 7, 7:00 p.m.: Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo with Special Guests, Quarterflash Pat Benatar has brought us hit after hit with her co-writer/producer husband Neil Giraldo. Her hit...
The Ontario City Library has been awarded the “Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys” collection. The collection consists of 25 books and 3 DVDs selected to foster an understanding of Islamic...