Veteran Runner Sets Sights for Fourth UltraMarathon Endurance Test Encourages Donations for Mourning Star Center Victorville, CA – The world’s toughest foot race kicks off on Monday, July 16 at...
Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon released the following statement after the House voted to repeal Obamacare: “From the moment Obamacare was introduced, the American people have expressed concerns about the impacts...
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) issued the following statement today following a 244-185 vote in the House of Representatives to repeal President Obama’s health care program: “President Obama’s health care law...
NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION WEEK: FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE On Saturday, October 6, 2012, the Ontario Fire Department will hold its annual Open House to commemorate National Fire Prevention Week! This...
LATINO COMEDY NIGHT On Monday, August 6, 2012, Latino Comedy Night will take place at the Ovitt Family Community Library. Ontario resident, Mike Cano, and other local comics will provide...
Join C.A.S.A for ‘We Care Wednesday’ as we support the Inland Empire 66ers as they play the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes on July 25, 2012! $8.00 - Per Ticket - Proceeds from ticket...
ONTARIO LIBRARY INVITES YOU TO RECHARGE YOUR LEARNING Starting August 1, 2012, the Ontario City Library will add over seven hundred adult, teen and children’s bestselling and popular titles to...
Melissa Donaldson, Executive Director of S.A.F.E., Safe Alternatives for Everyone, is proud to welcome Joann K Markham to the Advisory Board. Joann is the Vice President of MDMG Inc. (Markham...
Every Friday from now until August 17 we will be screening a Humphrey Bogart classic selected from the Warner Bros archive. These movies are Bogart at his best, with co-stars...
US NAVY CROSS RECIPIENT & BOXING CHAMPIONS ADDED TO LIST OF ATTENDEES July 21, 2012 Navy Cross Recipient Cpl Christopher Farias; Boxers Randy “El Matador” Caballero, Steve “The Mongoose” Quinonez,...