If you need a loan but aren’t sure what type of loan you need, you wont want to miss this seminar! The Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will...
CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) Inland Empire’s June luncheon will examine how changing public opinion and establishing new legislative policy can help get commercial real estate development moving again. Featured...
Students K-8th grade can receive up to 3 FREE carnival rides at The Festival at the National Orange Show for reading and completing a report on up to 3 books....
San Bernardino, California. Paul Granillo, President of the Inland Empire Economic Council (IEEP) and Pamela Clute, Executive Director of the educational network FACE (Federation for a Competitive Economy) announced today that FACE...
Technical Employment Training, Inc. (TET) will hold an open house for prospective students interested in manufacturing trades and machine tools training courses. Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the...
Big Bear, CA - We are EXPANDING our annual Bear Country Fair. It is now the Old Time Bear Country Fair. It will be held both in and outside of...
May 5, 2011- Ontario, Ca.- Pickett Concert Series schedules numerous concerts throughout the Inland Empire that has communities in the Riverside and San Bernardino Counties excited! The Summer Concert Series...
Tuesday June 14, 2011 Moreno Valley Master Chorale Flag Jeopardy Opportunity Drawings Flag Folding Ceremony Guest Speaker: Mike Goldware, Vexillologist 6:00 pm No Host Bar 7:00pm Dinner Make Your Own...
Redlands, CA - The public is invited to celebrate Astronomy Day at the San Bernardino County Museum on Saturday, May 14 with the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers. This event is open to the...
San Bernardino, CA – The 18th annual Teens Make A Difference Awards Ceremony took place at Inland Center’s Center Court. This ceremony recognized local high school students for their outstanding...