WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) issued the following statement after Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) introduced H.R. 1891, the Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act, aimed at...
Sales team exceeds manufacturer’s expectations in April SAN BERNARDINO, CA – San Bernardino Mitsubishi hosted its grand opening Wednesday, May 11, marking the official re-launch of the renowned dealership that...
Fontana, California, May 1, 2011 – The Mayor and City Council invite residents to the 98th Annual Fontana Days Festival, sponsored by the Fontana Exchange Club, starting on June 2...
RIVERSIDE, CA –The food pantry at The Salvation Army Riverside Corps will have 1,200 pounds of much needed food to share with those in need thanks to the generous support...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita)) issued the following statement in support of both H.R. 1229, “Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act” and...
Highland, CA-- Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back. That is the theme for the Relay for Life of Highland which will be held at Highland Community Park, 7793 Central Ave. in Highland...
(SAN BERNARDINO, Calif.) A new store opened in San Bernardino at the end of last year, offering men’s, women’s and children’s fashions, furniture, appliances, games and toys, books and other...
Launches AmericanJobCreators.com Initiative http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz-RTB68gOE WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) today released a new video, in an outreach initiative to the community and small businesses, on www.AmericanJobCreators.com. Through...
Live Credit Smart Challenge Puts Families on the Road to Financial Recovery Riverside, CA – May 11, 2011–A Corona couple is one of five families now on the road to...
INLAND EMPIRE, CA--Karla Gonzalez has joined the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (IESBDC) as a Business Consultant. In her new position she will provide counseling and training services to...