The 14 member Independent California Citizens Redistricting Commission will hold a public input meeting in San Bernardino on June 19, 2011, from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the County of San Bernardino Government Center. The Commission was created by California voters to draw state Congressional, Assembly, Senate and Board of Equalization Districts.
Public participation in drawing these districts is critical to ensuring that communities have the strongest voice possible to express their preferences. When voters with similar interests are drawn into a district together, their voices multiply giving them a greater opportunity to express their views, elect candidates of their choice and hold their leaders accountable.
The Commission is taking testimony from local area residents before drawing its first round of draft maps which will be released in June. Final district maps must be certified by the Commission and presented to the Secretary of State by August 15, 2011.
The maximum time for each speaker is 2 minutes. Speakers should provide copies for the 14 members of the Commission of documents they are submitting as testimony. Speaker numbers may be obtained one hour prior to the posted time of the hearing. The posted meeting time may not extend more than 2 hours beyond the original closing, subject to venue limitations and speaker demand. No speaker numbers will be given out after the end of the posted meeting time. Due to high speaker demand, it is possible that not all people who have been given numbers will have the opportunity to speak.
The Commission encourages the public to use alternative methods to submit testimony by e-mail at, fax at 916-651-5711 or by mail to the Citizens Redistricting Commission,
901 P Street, Suite 154-A, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Please visit the Commission’s website at for complete information on the hearings and to access a guide to help you prepare your testimony. The guide can be found on the home page under “Guide to Participation.”
All public input hearings are ADA accessible. Any person who wishes to request auxiliary aids or services, including translation, to participate in the hearing of the Commission, in accordance with State or Federal law, should contact Janeece Sargis at 1-866-356-5217 not later than five (5) business days before the noticed hearing date.
Citizens Redistricting CommissionPublic Input HearingSunday, June 19, 2011 County of San Bernardino Government Center 385 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92415 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.