RedFusion Media was awarded a Capella Award from the Public Relations Society of America, Inland Empire Chapter. The award, presented at PRSA’s annual dinner on Wednesday, was for “The Brithinee Electric Facility Expansion Grand Opening”. The event, held in November 2010, was successful in drawing attendees from across the United States, including: Susan Graham, PhD, President and CEO of Elantas PDG in St. Louis, MO: Gerry Short, National Sales Manager of DuPont Advanced Fiber Systems in Richmond, VA: Mark Lowery of Superior Essex in Fort Wayne, IN. Other local dignitaries including Josie Gonzales, San Bernardino County District Supervisor for the 5th District attended.
Established in Redlands, California in 1998, RedFusion Media™ specializes in providing clients with a marketing department for hire. Their team of marketing consultants, designers and writers steer clients through the complexities of discovery, strategic planning, product or company differentiation, branding, crisis management, and message delivery through traditional and digital media.
RedFusion Media™ also maintains InlandEmpire.US, the top-ranked regional website, providing RSS feed services; Redlandsweb.com for All Things Redlands; and RedlandsWeddingGuide.com. For more information, visit RedfusionMedia.com.