Redlands, CA, September 1, 2010—Ron Burgess, president of Burgess Management Consulting, will speak on how it is possible to battle the current economic recession with proven marketing strategies that can turn your company’s losses into profits, at an open meeting sponsored by the American Marketing Association-Inland Empire, on September 16 at Riverside’s Victoria Country Club.
Businesses that really understand what marketing should be about and apply the principles properly can change their fortunes, even during difficult times. Ron will present actual case studies of clients he has worked with for over two decades and illustrate how they consistently out-perform their markets. He will show methods of proven marketing strategies that can turn difficult economic times into new and profitable business opportunities. At this luncheon, Ron Burgess will be presenting a real-life case study of how a home delivery dairy reacted to the recession and the global milk glut to bolster value in the face of declining prices.
Burgess Management Consulting was founded to help clients increase their competitive advantage. Ron is a frequent speaker at marketing industry meetings and author of over one-hundred published articles on marketing. With three decades as a business marketing consultant, Ron brings his unique understanding of the importance of the marketing to small and mid-sized businesses. His personal clients include top market-share performers in agriculture,
industry and professional services.
The luncheon is open to members and non-members of the AMA. R.S.V.P. by September 8, 2010. Networking is 11:30 to 11:55 a.m.; lunch and presentation are 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. For more information, visit