Riverside, Ca. – Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has announced no changes will be made to Sand and Snow National Monument. We want to thank all those that have rallied to keep our National Monuments safe from changes by signing postcards, attending rallies, making calls and sending comment letters. We can celebrate this victory, however, our work here is not done. Mojave Trails and Castle Mountains National Monuments are still at risk. We will not accept any reduction to our public lands.
We are committed to keeping all our National Monuments permanently protected as they are public lands with diverse biological life and rich history. We cannot rest until all our National Monuments are safe. We must continue to make our voices heard.
All National Monuments are home to breathtaking landscapes and steeped in history and deserve permanent protection under the Antiquities Act. Southern California’s desert monuments are located in San Bernardino County. Sand to Snow National Monument is located in between San Bernardino National Forest and Joshua Tree National Park, Mojave Trails is located between Mojave National Preserve and Joshua Tree National Park, Castle Mountains National Monument is nestled between the Nevada state line and Mojave National Preserve.
Established in 2005, Inland Empire Waterkeeper is a non-profit environmental organization whose mission is to protect and enhance the water quality of the Upper Santa Ana River Watershed through programs of advocacy, education, research, restoration, and enforcement. As the only nonprofit in the Inland Empire dedicated to addressing water quality issues in the Santa Ana Watershed, Waterkeeper focuses on grassroots, community-oriented projects including water sampling, habitat restoration, community clean-ups and robust educational programs, to protect waterways throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Waterkeeper uses a regional, collaborative approach to watershed management working with local, state, and federal government agencies to ensure proactive water policy while promoting compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act and other environmental laws for swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters. For more information, visit www.iewaterkeeper.org.