Jurupa Valley, CA.- (November 16, 2010) – Aric J. Isom, a sixteen year Riverside County resident, has announced his candidacy to seek a seat on the potentially new Jurupa Valley City Council that will form if voters approve the incorporation bid in the pivotal cityhood vote being held on March 8th, 2011.
Isom, will be vying to fill one of five possible seats.
When asked recently how he proposes to best serve the immediate needs of Jurupa Valley residents, he responded, “I want to help us develop a vision on who we want to be 20 years from now, even 50 years from now,” Isom, a small business owner in the Inland Empire, said Monday.
He also said the new city needs a plan to develop local job opportunities, while promoting local businesses.
In addition to good jobs, he strongly supports improving the quality of life and education in the city through partnering with parent organizations, law enforcement, and school districts.
His other primary concerns include making the Jurupa Valley safer and more livable while maintaining each communities individuality. Along with this, he says it’s necessary that the new city continues to repair and maintain its vital infrastructure, vigorously enforces its blight code and beautifies itself.
Mr. Isom is currently the President and Executive Director of the non-profit group Friends Across The Line, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to peace building, conflict resolution, and cultural education. Aric is also a former member of the Riverside Human Relations Commission and Teamster Local 572 (Shop Steward). He is a member of the American Diabetes Association, the American Cancer Society, the Riverside Juneteenth Committee, and has worked with the American Red Cross, and the Boy Scouts of America. .
Isom, 46, resides in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of the Jurupa Valley with wife Diane where he runs a small marketing company from his home.
For more information about Aric visit: www.Vote4Aric.com.