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Understanding Where Inland Empire Visitors Are Coming From

By Jonathan M. Burgess M.B.A.

There is a changing landscape of where visitors are coming from.

This study shows where our subject site, InlandEmpire.US’ visitors come from, and shows where the trends are heading over the next year. You’ll see that Google still is the giant, but the “Social Referrals” are in a growth spurt.

To clarify the understanding of Social, we are NOT talking about a company Facebook page (InlandEmpire.US doesn’t have one), but talking about people who use the social networks to refer traffic to our websites.  With gadgets like the one on the right, a Tweet/Share tool, you can allow real people to talk about your content, forward it on, and start conversations, all driving traffic back to the page for which the tool had been placed.

Google Still Rules

We have always focused on Google and pride ourselves in building highly Googlized pages, so that our content wins in searches.  Google is still huge, and we gained 5.7% more Google referrals year to date.  When looking at the graph to the right, Google’s power is evident, they account for 53.5% of all incoming traffic in this study.  Seeing the difference between Google and all others, may help you understand where the best value of your content may actually be.

Additional points of interest are that Bing now powers Yahoo, so there will be changes in how both work over the next year.  Also, InlandEmpire.US does not spend time within Feedburner, Facebook, or Twitter websites, our systems automates those actions, so we effectively have gained 7% traffic to our site with out any direct work.

Change of Direction

Social Media and Feeds have really changed the direction of where our traffic is coming from. You will see in the graph below that the traditional sources of visitors is on the decline, Yahoo (-16.4%), Bing (-2.2%), and AOL (-9.9%).  The slide most likely is a result of visitors changing their search habits.

Google (+5.7%) had an increase in traffic, and so did direct traffic (+52%), which are links that are directly typed into a browser.  We focus on Google as a priority, and because of the maturity of Google, and the slide of traffic to the likes of Facebook, we believe that the InlandEmpire.US site has taken a number of keyword spots from competitors.

Large increases in the 3 social categories show that visitors are using Social.  Our RSS Feeds (+194%), Facebook (+280%), and Twitter (+500%) visitors have shown a large jump in referrals.  Again, it is worth pointing out, that we do little more than post our content, which automatically gets added and/or referred through real social actions.  InlandEmpire.US doesn’t even have a Facebook Page, and we may never.

For more information about Internet consulting, and how RedFusion Media, Inc. can help you integrate your marketing, check us out at  For advertising information on the Inland Empire,

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