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Vantage Insurance Solutions Opens in Redlands

Vantage Insurance, Redlands, Luke Kibler

Definition of vantage: a position giving a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view.

Redlands, CAVantage Insurance Solutions is proud to announce that we have officially opened our doors for business in the Inland Empire. Specializing in life insurance, long term care insurance, disability insurance, and uniquely designed benefits solutions for small and mid-sized companies, we are setting out to change the way the average person and business owner understands insurance. We are, at our core, an educational company. Our clients learn strategies for creating generational wealth & asset protection, and how money works in general.

Luke Kibler founded Vantage Insurance Solutions with the vision to bring a uniquely “reality-based” and time-tested approach to building a financial plan to the affluent and low income American alike.

“It doesn’t matter how much you make, it matters how much you keep”, is a mantra Luke is known for using to impress upon his clients to recognize how easy it is to be broke at any level of income, if you follow the masses and their typical approach to money management.

“Our goal is also to be an exciting place to work and call home for the hungry new insurance producer, looking for a solid career track to run on, or the people-loving service representative that wants a place to do what they do best, and be genuinely appreciated for their excellence in their field.”

About Luke Kibler:

Luke Kibler is licensed in all lines of insurance products and services, and has held securities licenses series 6 and 63. He has completed 2 courses of the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation. With over 14 years of specialized training and experience in both personal and commercial insurance, banking, and investing industries, Luke brings a uniquely relevant perspective to the process of financial planning and the usage of insurance products for building and protecting wealth. Find out more at

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