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West Valley Job Fair, Resource for Employers and Job Seekers

San Bernardino Workforce Development Board Logo

Ontario, CA – The West Valley Regional Job Fair is a free event taking place Sept. 20, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. hosted by the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board (WDB) in partnership with the cities of Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Chino, Upland and Montclair.  The event will be held at the Ontario Airport’s Terminal 1 – “Iconic Terminal 1” – located at 1940 Moore Way in Ontario.

If you are an employer looking to hire, please join us for access to hundreds of qualified applicants. This is a free service offered by the WDB to all businesses, just be sure to register no later than September 18, at For questions please call, 800-451-JOBS (800-451-5627).

If you are a job seeker, you will have an opportunity to meet employers who are ready to hire.  Be sure to dress for an interview and bring plenty of resumes.  Avoid the line by preregistering at  To receive a 9:00am preregistration ticket, enter Job Order number 31641. For 10:00am entry time, enter Job Order 31642 and for an 11:00am ticket, enter Job Order 31643.

This event follows a successful East Valley job fair held this past June in San Bernardino.  Of the 657 participants surveyed, 554 stated they were very satisfied with the types of jobs available at the East Valley Job Fair. Additionally, 185 respondents indicated they were actually interviewed on the spot.

“San Bernardino County job creation and economic growth are a top priority for us, and we want to help connect our constituents to those valuable resources. This WDB job fair is a great example of this and it will be held at our iconic ‘Old Airport’ at ONT,” said Curt Hagman, Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

Tony Myrell, Chairman of the Workforce Development Board, said job fairs such as this, are one of several ways the WDB connects businesses with a skilled labor force.

“Our mission at WDB is to support a strong, vibrant economy by encouraging business growth and creating job opportunities.  Hosting these job fairs is just one example of the many resources made available to both the business community and to individuals,” Myrell said.

For additional information, visit or call 800-451-JOBS (800-451-5627).

About the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board

The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board (WDB) is comprised of private business representatives and public partners appointed by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.  The WDB strives to strengthen the skills of the County’s workforce through partnerships with business, education and community-based organizations. The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors is committed to providing county resources, which generate jobs and investment in line with the Countywide Vision.

The Workforce Development Board, through the San Bernardino County Economic Development Agency and Workforce Development Department, operates the San Bernardino County’s three America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC). The AJCCs provide individuals with job training, placement and the tools to strengthen their skills to achieve a higher quality of life. The AJCCs also support and provide services to the County’s businesses, including employee recruitment and business retention programs.

Employers and job seekers who are interested in the Workforce Development Board programs may call: (800) 451-JOBS or visit Also follow us on: Facebook; Twitter @InlandEmpireJob; LinkedIn; and YouTube

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