Veteran Housing Developments Awarded $72.9 Million for California in Fourth Round
Inland Empire, CA – This Veterans Day, we honor the men and women who fought hard for our country. They should not have to fight another battle for an affordable place to live when they return home. California is home to nearly 1.8 million veterans. More than 11,000 of these vets experience homelessness on any given night, representing almost 30 percent of the nation’s homeless veterans – the highest in the United States.
The Inland Empire was awarded more than $18 Million in projects for veterans:
- Windsor Veterans Village in San Bernardino, awarded $9,900,000
- San Bernardino, awarded $4,426,369
- Mission Heritage Plaza Riverside, awarded $4,001,485
The Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP) program has changed the lives of California veterans, providing safe, stable, affordable shelter across the state. Today a fourth round of funding was awarded to address veterans’
Because of a collaboration between the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet), and California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA), more than $72 million in VHHP
funding is being awarded statewide. Developers and nonprofit entities (awardees and areas listed below) will use these funds to construct, acquire, rehabilitate, or preserve affordable multifamily housing to help provide stable and affordable homes to California veterans and their families.
“The housing provided to our veterans and their families through VHHP is more than a roof and four walls,” said HCD Director Ben Metcalf. “Residents also receive quality supportive services including case management, substance abuse services, health
clinics, benefits advocacy, and family and childcare services. We are creating stable and safe environments for our veterans who served our nation.”
“Our at-risk veterans deserve the very best housing solution we can provide,” said CalVet Secretary Dr. Vito Imbasciani. “The VHHP program has become the beacon of hope for our veterans facing potential homelessness. With the help of our partners,
HCD, and CalHFA, at-risk veterans in California can find a place to call home.”
A fifth round of awards is expected to be available in the fall of 2019, providing another opportunity to apply for and receive funds to create additional homes for veterans throughout the state.