Riverside, Ca — Kaiser Permanente, Riverside announced that is accepting grant proposals from nonprofit organizations serving communities in Riverside County. As one of the nation’s leading nonprofit, integrated health care systems, Kaiser Permanente seeks to make positive contributions to communities. Kaiser Permanente’s social mission is to improve the health of the communities we serve. The Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program addresses needs and priorities identified through local needs assessments that affect overall community health and the health care system. This is accomplished, in part, by supporting community-based organizations through Kaiser Permanente’s Community Service Fund. This fund provides Kaiser Permanente with an opportunity to respond to requests from eligible 501(c)(3) organizations whose work is in alignment with the health priorities. These areas of focus are access to health care; mental & behavioral health; and obesity/diabetes. The deadline for grant submission is Wednesday, March 15, 2017 by 2:00 P.M. The grant guidelines and application are online at http://community.kp.org/be-informed/service-area/riverside
The goal of the Community Service Fund is to provide grants ranging from $5,000 and up to $25,000 over a 12-month period to support local nonprofit health and human service organizations with an emphasis on underserved populations. We look for opportunities to assist organizations with capacity building and program support that address critical needs in our culturally diverse communities in the following areas of focus:
Need I: Access to Health Care
- Increase coverage and access to comprehensive, quality health care services for low income and uninsured populations.
- Improve the capacity of health care systems to provide quality health care services, including the social and non-medical needs of their patients.
- Improve the capacity of the primary care workforce to meet community needs.
- Enhance individuals’ utilization of the community based health delivery system.
Need II: Mental & Behavioral Health
- Improve the knowledge, capacity and infrastructure of health care, organizations and communities to address mental and behavioral health.
- Promote positive mental health by fostering community cohesion and social and emotional support.
Need III: Obesity/Diabetes
- Improve access to opportunities for physical activity in the community.
- Improve access to healthy food options in the community.
- Improve linkages between health care services and community-level services.
Visit the website for grant information: http://community.kp.org/be-informed/service-area/riverside. Contact Cecilia Arias, Community Benefit Health Manager for Kaiser Permanente, Riverside and Moreno Valley at (95) 602-4193 or via e-mail at Cecilia.x.arias@kp.org.
About Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente is committed to helping shape the future of health care. We are recognized as one of America’s leading health care providers and not-for-profit health plans. Founded in 1945, Kaiser Permanente has a mission to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.
Riverside Area Medical Center
For information about Kaiser Permanente Riverside, visit kp.org/riverside and follow us on Twitter @KPRiverside.
Community Benefit
For more information about Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit work in Southern California, visit community.kp.org and follow us on Twitter @KPSCALCommunityBenefit.