California Congressman asking: “Where are the jobs they promised?”
WASHINGTON, D.C – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita), a senior member of the House Education and Labor Committee, released the following statement regarding the latest increase in unemployment numbers released in a Bureau of Labor Statistics report earlier today:
“The news of the rise in the unemployment rate strikes the American people with uncertainty as they prepare to celebrate the upcoming Labor Day weekend. Many will wonder what they have to celebrate while the Democratic Party continues on its crippling path of increased federal spending and expansion of government control while every day Americans continue to suffer.
Since Democrats passed their trillion dollar “so-called” stimulus bill over a year ago, unemployment rates have continued to climb and 3.6 million jobs have been lost. Meanwhile, the current Administration is now talking about raising taxes and spending even more to implement another round of shock treatment to the economy.
At a recent job fair I hosted in Antelope Valley, around 1500 attendees were expected, yet between 3,000 and 4,000 job seekers actually arrived. It was a staggering visual of how far people will travel to get help. Americans want to work. We need policies that create jobs and spur economic growth, not burden small businesses and tie the hands of banks and lenders.
Restoring value to the American economy through pragmatic policies is necessary. The Republican Party aims to cut the spending in Washington and restore the foundations of the American work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. We need to reinvestment in our nation’s future by putting power in the hands of American businesses and out of the wasteful hands of the Majority.