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Norco College Unveils New Home Of Veterans Resource Center

Norco, CANorco College is hosting a project unveiling for the future home of the Veterans Resource Center on Wednesday, October 25, at 3:30 pm, immediately following the Assembly Select Committee hearing.  Guests will be able to view the future location of the Veterans Resource Center, including a special program involving student veterans, college leadership, and elected officials. The event is open to the public and will take place at Norco College west of the STEM center.

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Assemblywoman Sabrina Cervantes, 60th District, led the effort to secure a $2 million allocation to build a Veterans Resource Center at Norco College. The allocation was approved by the state budget in June – the only one of its kind statewide. The new center will expand and enhance programs and services to student veterans moving from boots and helmets to civilian life through: military service to college credit articulation, counseling, health services, housing, child care and access to community and veterans resources.  The current Veterans Resource Center offers veteran students assistance with financial aid, military benefits, counseling, and academic support.

“We are excited to expand the Veterans Resource Center and opportunities for veteran students, and invite the community to join us in celebrating this milestone,” said Norco College President Bryan Reece, Ph.D. “Our Men and women in the armed services put themselves in harm’s way to secure our core liberties. They have our backs, selflessly protecting us, giving us the freedom to go about our daily lives. When they finish their time in the military, return home as veterans and decide to attend college, we want to make sure that they know that Norco College promises to serve them with the same selfless dedication.”

Norco College was voted Best for Vets two out of the last three years by the Military Times, one of only two California community colleges to make the ranking. Find out more about Norco College’s award winning Veterans Resource Center at:

The Assembly Select Committee field hearing on veteran employment and education, chaired by Assemblywoman Sabrina Cervantes, will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 pm at the Norco College Center for Student Success building, room 217, and is open to the public.

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