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Rancho Cucamonga Celebrates National Senior Center Month

Rancho Cucamonga, CaSeptember is National Senior Citizen Center Month, and to celebrate, the James L. Brulte Senior Center at Central Park has a series of “James L. Brulte Community Cares” events planned in addition to the myriad of ongoing recreation, mental and physical health programs, and activities that occur every day in Rancho Cucamonga. Senior Month is sponsored by Cucamonga Pharmacy.

Several special events have been created to celebrate National Senior Center Month with the entire community, we invite everyone to visit the James L. Brulte Senior Center for these spectacular events:

The Center kicks off the month on Wednesday, September 4th from 8:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. with a public reception. Come and visit the Center and enjoy free refreshment and giveaways while meeting the Senior Center staff and the members of the Rancho Cucamonga Senior Advisory Committee.

On Friday, September 6th from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., join us for Family Game Night! Invite your adult children, grandkids, siblings, and in-laws to join in for a night of board games, ping pong, karaoke, pizza, and refreshments. Advance sale tickets are $5.00 per person and $6.00 on the day of the event.

The monthly dance for Senior Center Month is the Sock Hop Dance held on Friday, September 20th from 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. This is a community dance for adults of all ages. Fifties attire is encouraged, light refreshments will be served, and a raffle that evening. Advance sale tickets are $7.00 and $8.00 on the day of the event.

Senior Center Month caps off with the annual Senior Health and Wellness Fair on Wednesday, September 25th from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. This event will feature over 50 vendors featuring goods and services of interest to Seniors and Caregivers. A free continental breakfast will be served while supplies last, and outdoor courtyard entertainment will be provided by the various performing arts group who call the James L. Brulte Senior Center their home. The Senior Health and Wellness Fair is sponsored by Finesse Dental.

“This year, we hope to encourage everyone to come visit and see what goes on in our amazing facility.” Says Senior Center and Programs Coordinator Patrick Hediger, “This September we want to remind our residents that the James L. Brulte Community Cares and strives to approach each day with Compassion, Awareness, Respect and concern for Everybody’s Safety.”

It’s not your parent’s Senior Center, however. Older adults from 50+ are regularly enjoying the offerings this very vibrant Center has to offer.

Older adults regularly access many program and services including a low-cost Wellness Pass Gym, over 40 classes including yoga, stretching, visual and performing and driver’s education, weekly and monthly activities include films, dinners, dances and special events. There are several counseling groups, elder law, lunch program and other resources including the Jane Penny Link Program for Homebound Seniors. Several Seniors enjoy card, game and social clubs on a regular basis and Volunteer teams help in many areas of the operations and programming including a gift shop and snack bar.

For further information on the ongoing activities and programs and the James L. Brulte Senior Center, please call (909)477-2780 or visit our website at

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