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Redlands Garden Tour and Plant Sale

Inland Empire Garden

Redlands Horticultural & Improvement Society “128 years Beautifying Redlands” Saturday & Sunday, April 22 – 23 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m

Redlands, CA – Free admission to a special showing of floral inspired art on display at Redlands Art Association. 215 E. State St. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The homeowners are pleased to invite visitors to bring their cell phones or cameras to take photos in each garden.

UNCOMMON PLANT SALE Gates opens one hour before the tour Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Don’t miss out on the fantastic selection of unique plants, shrubs, trees etc. for sale at the Plant Propagation Yard – 1352 Prospect Dr., in the Prospect Park, Carriage House area.

Redlands Gaurden Tour

A – Nancy and Chuck Alexander Garden – 1668 5th Ave. – The Alexanders purchased their single story home in 2014 and spent the year remodeling the house, removing a few unhealthy trees and bulldozing most of the overgrown yard. At that time the house was only partially visible from the street. A year later they moved into the home and began a year long process of landscaping the front and back yards. A circular driveway was installed to make it easier, and safer, for guests to come to the front door. Wanting to conserve water, and not work so hard maintaining a lawn, various rocks, mulch, decomposed granite and Gorilla Grass were arranged in curved lines to provide a variety of textures and colors highlighted with drought tolerant plants. New trees, patio, fire pit and small retaining wall were added to the backyard to provide a space for entertaining, surrounded with many textures and colors.

B – Chris and Caitlyn Buscaglia Garden – 332 S. Michigan St. – Chris and Caitlyn Buscaglia, along with three young sons, purchased their 1930s Tudor home in October of 2013. A collection of succulents and grasses were added in the beds out front, and over time grass was removed to make the property more drought tolerant. The Buscaglia family takes pride in DIY projects and has worked diligently over the past three years to make their yard a reflection of the family’s character. Rocks have been collected from various family trips, all the woodworking was done by Chris with help from three young apprentices. The succulent garden and cutting station has become Caitlyn’s ongoing project. The couple enjoys antiquing and up-cycling and incorporates many of their finds and art projects throughout the garden. Added touches such as the working drinking fountain, handmade tree house, and Tonka truck construction site make this yard a fun environment for their three sons.

C – Gonzales/Loza Garden – 649 Los Altos Dr. – 1964 was a very good year. Landscaping and Modern Architecture were defining Southern California Chic. The garden here at the Gonzales/Loza residence brings back a time when life was simple. Clean lines, accented with low maintenance plantings. As with all residential landscaping, the home owners and the home style became the driving force for the design. The stepping stones for the patio and the benches were created to match the classic brick on the chimney. Sixty-four stepping stones formed the outside entertainment patio and walkways. A Bocce court and an “Out of this World” fire pit help keep the party going. A big influence for plantings was the Japanese plant introductions of the period after WWII; Junipers, Fatsia Japonica, Liriope gigantea, Sago Palms, Kafir Lily make dramatic statements. Trachecarpus Palms, Blue Glow Agave, Blue Festuca grass and theTifgreen Bermuda lawns bring a bit of Palm Springs to Redlands. Step back in time and enjoy a true Southern California Garden.

D – Michelle Trubio Garden – 1032 East Pennsylvania Ave. – Inspired by living on the old Bromberger Estate and liking free-form design, Michelle began renovations in the backyard. Two Orchid Trees started from seeds stand next to a Coral Tree, which produces magnificent red blooms in late winter. Wisteria and Bougainvillea adorn the fences, with a river rock stamped-concrete patio stained to emulate moss-covered stones. The Mexican heather flowers all year long while Arabian Jasmine perfumes the yard when in bloom. Interspersed amongst everything are vegetables, herbs, bulbs, and winged creatures. A twisted Juniper and California Oak shade a European-inspired courtyard and secluded patio. Carpet and Iceberg Roses, Chinese Fountain, Hairy Awn Muhly Grasses, Kangaroo Paw, and more will, in time, fill in the landscape, while Black Rose Aeonium and Hummingbird Yucca sit at the top of the stairs. Gorilla Hair keeps everything moist, and every rock found during renovations is now incorporated back into the landscape.

E – Joe Vogt Garden – 1515 Powell Ln. – When Joe Vogt retired he found that he had a lot of time on his hands, so he decided to redo the yard of his 1984 home. There were seventeen trees on the lot, far too many for such a small yard. Soon, the trees started to cause foundation and plumbing problems, so they needed to be removed. Because of the drought, Joe decided to remove the grass and replace it with low-water plants. He soon found that he was spending a lot of time hunting for and planting succulents; gardening was so relaxing. An old swing-set was converted to racks for potted plants, and trees were ordered from a catalog. Over the years, more plants were added to the front so the home owner started working on the back area. Besides gardening, Joe loves to collect antique signs, plates, containers, orange crate labels and Americana. His other hobby is cooking, so he put in a vegetable garden and added more succulents, and a stag-horn fern; a gift from a family member that has been growing for forty-three years. You’ll especially enjoy the topiary bear, squirrel, turkey and one-of-a-kind mailbox in the front yard.

F – Steve and Hitomi Vu Garden -1618 Crestview Rd. – Steve and Hitomi Vu purchased their 1980s Ranch-style home in 2015 and decided to revamp and replace their entire front yard. It was a difficult decision to remove two oversized trees to make the house look more open and bright. They settled on a desert / Zen garden concept. The majority of the front yard was done with palm trees, cactus, roses, agave, and a non-fruit bearing olive tree. Also, pavers were laid to create a circular pathway between the house, street, and driveway. Moreover, they wanted a seating area in the middle to enjoy watching their children play. To the right of the house, they currently have a nice walkway to the back yard where they hope to infuse a garden bed in the near future. A small and relaxing pool anchors the backyard where the children enjoy their summer. Meanwhile, down the slope, behind the pool, there is a lemon, orange, and avocado tree.

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