How Authors Get Their Photos Next to Their Name (Creating a Gravatar)
In order for an author to get a photo next to their name, the author must create what is called a “gravatar”. To do this follow the seven easy steps below:
1. Go to
2. Click “Sign Up” and enter the email address that you would like your photo to be linked to.
3. will send you a confirmation email, to your email address of choice, with a link to continue creating your gravatar account.
4. Click on the link sent to your email. will prompt you to create a username and password.
5. Once you have created your username and password you will be prompted to upload your image though an easy on-screen browsing tool, which will allow you to browse your computer or the internet for the image you would like.
6. Click on the address of the image you would like to use and it will automatically upload it as your gravatar image.
7. Confirm image to your email address.