Independent Reading Class Offered for Teachers of Young Children
Cal State San Bernardino’s College of Extended Learning offers a one-day course, “Independent Reading: Build Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension,” for pre-kindergarten through third grade teachers on Sat., Feb. 5. The coursework was designed in cooperation with the university’s College of Education and the S.B. County Superintendent of Schools Office to address the California English Language Art Framework and No Child Left Behind legislation.
In this intensive day of learning, you’ll be introduced to a system for leveling reading materials in the school and classroom. Learn the definitions for independent, instructional and frustration reading levels as well as motivation techniques.
“Independent Reading: Build Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension,” will be held on Sat., Feb. 5, from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. in Cal State San Bernardino’s Yasuda Center. The fee is $140 per person. Teachers who enroll in two or more eligible education classes at the same time receive a 10 percent discount.
To register or for more information, contact Carol Galvan at (909) 537-3910 or To be placed on our mailing list, go to or call (909) 537-5981 to receive a free Course Catalog.