McKeon Named to Serve on GOP Majority Transition Team
Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon was named to the House Majority Transition Team, a group of 22 members tasked with guiding the Republican switch back into the Majority in Congress. McKeon, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, is one of only four full committee Ranking Members selected for the panel. After the announcement, McKeon issued the following statement:
“It is an honor and privilege to serve on the Republican Majority Transition Team and to represent the people of California’s 25th District during this important process. I look forward to implementing some of the most significant reforms Americans have called for in Congress.
“Constituents of the 25th District have expressed their desire to reform Congress and I am eager at the chance to help House Republicans turn around a broken system that has lead to voter frustration across the country.”
The primary goal of the Transition Team is to implement the congressional reforms included in the Pledge to America and look at additional ways to make Congress more transparent, cost-efficient, and accountable.
“Buck McKeon is one of the most respected, thoughtful members of our conference and he will be a valuable addition to this transition team,” said Transition Team Chair, Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR).
“Buck has seen how Congress has strayed from its responsibility to reflect the will of the people, and he will surely be a forceful advocate for restoring accountability in Washington. Just as his experience serves well the people of his district, his deep understanding of how Congress works will be indispensible in this process.”
Reps. Buck McKeon, John Campbell, and David Dreier will be representing California on the Transition Team.
Full list of GOP Majority Transition Team:
Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-1)
Rep. John Campbell (CA-48)
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (WV-2)
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-3)
Rep. Tom Cole (OK-4)
Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11)
Rep. David Dreier (CA-26)
Rep.-elect Cory Gardner (CO-4)
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-6)
Rep. Doc Hastings (WA-4)
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX-5)
Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4)
Rep.-elect Adam Kinzinger (IL-11)
Rep. Buck McKeon (CA-25)
Rep. Candice Miller (MI-10)
Rep.-elect Martha Roby (AL-2)
Rep. Mike Rogers (MI-8)
Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-1)
Rep.-elect Tim Scott (SC-1)
Rep. Pete Sessions (TX-32)
Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12)