Meet Your Lender – What You Need to Know About the Business of Lending and You
PALM DESERT, CA. – Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center will present Meet Your Lender – What You Need to Know About the Business of Lending and You” on Tuesday, April 30th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the CVWBC Office, 77-806 Flora Road, Palm Desert. Cost is FREE. This workshop will be facilitated by Bill Zwierankin, Branch Manager, Citibank NA.
If you’re planning to start a business, please consider that one of the most important relationships you will build is with your bank. Many people are surprised about this fact, but take into account that this will be long term, and may last the life of more than one business. Among other relevant material points that will be covered in this Workshop, you will learn such information as: what banks are looking for in a candidate for a loan; about the financials required for middle-tier loans; how your credit score is viewed by banks and how you can repair it; as well as a substantial background of relevant information as you are exposed to a look inside the world of banking from an expert.
Register Online Now! Seating is limited!
For more information, or to register for the workshop, contact Kim Scanlan at (760) 345-9200. To register online, visit the CVWBC website at
The Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center is a program of the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship at Cal State San Bernardino in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The CVWBC is a grant-funded program which provides free business counseling, free and low-cost workshops and events, and mentoring designed for women business owners, but available to all.
The program provides services in English and Spanish to Latina business owners, currently the fastest growing group of women business owners in the country. The Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center’s hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday by appointment only.