San Bernardino County Museum: Embroidery Demonstration
Members of the Embroiderers Guild of America will demonstrate fine needle skills be at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands on Sunday, March 3, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The program is included with museum general admission.
“The Embroiderers Guild of America chapter is part of our Western Textile Center Association, an important partner in caring for and sharing the textile and costume collections of the museum,” said Michele Nielsen, the museum’s curator of history. “During the ongoing demonstration, visitors can learn more about historic needlework techniques interpreted with a modern twist by Embroiderers Guild members.”
The San Bernardino County Museum is at the California Street exit from Interstate 10 in Redlands. The museum is open Tuesdays through Sundays from 9 am to 5pm. General admission is $8 (adult), $6 (military or senior), $5 (student), and $4 (child aged 5 to 12). Children under five and Museum Association members are admitted free. Parking is free.
For more information, visit The museum is accessible to persons with disabilities. If assistive listening devices or other auxiliary aids are needed in order to participate in museum exhibits or programs, requests should be made through Museum Visitor Services at least three business days prior to your visit. Visitor Services’ telephone number is 909-307-2669 ext. 229 or (TDD) 909-792-1462.