SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project: Creating Jobs, Reducing Traffic Congestion
You are invited to attend a public hearing on the SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public input on the Draft Environmental Impact Report, discuss design features of the project, and provide details regarding relocation assistance for residents moved by the project.
The SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project will reduce traffic gridlock and improve road conditions along the SR-91 – the second most congested freeway in the nation. The project will build additional lanes along a 14-mile stretch along SR-91 and a six-mile stretch along I-15. This endeavor will be the single largest transit construction project in California since the east span of the Bay Bridge.
Not only will the corridor improvement project reduce commute times for local residents, but it will put Californians back to work. Riverside County Transportation Commission estimates that 16,200 jobs will be created, which is crucial to our region as we continue to face high unemployment rates.
For more information on the project or the public hearing, please visit the project’s Web site at
June 9, 2011; 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Corona Civic Center Gymnasium
502 Vicentia
Corona, CA 92882
Source, State Senator Bill Emmerson, Emmerson Dispatch: June 7, 2011