Two Important Jobs Bills Supported by Congressman McKeon Finally Head to President for Signature
Washington, D.C. – After failing to act on over 20 pro-job creation bills for months, while millions of Americans search for work, the Democrat controlled Senate has finally passed two of these important pro-jobs bills, both of which were strongly supported by Congressman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon when they passed the House earlier this year and last night.
“All year, Republicans have been working on passing legislation that would foster economic growth and private-sector job creation. In May, House Republicans outlined our Plan for American Job Creators, and over the course of this year we’ve passed dozens of bills that will get our economy moving again and get Americans back to work. Unfortunately these bills have been left to languish in the Democrat lead Senate.
“Finally last night we were able to get two of these important bills to the President’s desk for signature. The first repeals the 3% IRS withholding tax on job creators who contract with the Federal Government. The other breaks down bureaucratic barriers that prevent American veterans from finding work.
“With 14 million people out of work and 33 straight months of employment over 8%, we cannot afford for the Senate and the President to continue to block pro-growth, pro-jobs legislation for misguided and dangerous political purposes. The American people deserve real solutions and real leadership. I will continue to fight to get the Plan for American Job Creators passed and get America growing and working again.”