Upcoming Small Business Seminar – Employee vs. Independent Contractors
Employee vs. Independent Contractors
Get the tax facts and reduce your liability! As an employer you are faced with many challenges and responsibilities. It is to your advantage to know your obligations and understand the State payroll reporting requirements. Complying with the employment tax laws will help you avoid payroll tax problems. Representatives from the EDD will discuss topics such as: factors that make a worker an employee, basics of statutory employment, independent contractor reporting requirements and how to get help.
The Employee vs. Independent Contractor seminar will be held on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm at the Workforce Development Center – Riverside located at 1325 Spruce Street in Riverside. Sponsored by the County of Riverside Workforce Investment Board; there will be no charge to attend. For additional information or to register, call us at (951) 781-2345; online registration is available at www.iesmallbusiness.com.
The Inland Empire Small Business Development Center is hosted by the California State University San Bernardino, University Enterprises Corporation. The Center is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the California State University Fullerton Tri-County Lead SBDC. All of the SBDC programs and services are offered on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made.