Winners of NAWBO-IE Amazing Women Event Announced
April event honored women business owners and community leaders
Corona, Calif. – It was a night of celebrating “Diamonds in Our Own Backyard” as winners of the Amazing Women Event were crowned on April 27th. For the 8th year in a row, the National Association of Women Business Owners, Inland Empire Chapter (NAWBO-IE) honored exceptional women business owners and community leaders at its awards dinner. Congratulations to these outstanding women:
The Business Woman of the Year Award honors a woman who has demonstrated creative initiative in her business. This honor goes to Shaila Rao Mistry of Jayco MMI, Inc., a leading provider of Human-Machines Interfaces (HMI) to Fortune 500 and high-tech companies. A passionate gender and human rights advocate, Shaila has spoken globally at various United Nations venues as an official delegate.
The Legacy Award recognizes a woman who has achieved a truly amazing goal that will impact her community for years to come. The honor goes to Maria Moreno, Owner of Casa Moreno Mexican Grill in Claremont and Covina for 15 years. The restaurant was inspired by Maria’s mother who operated a small restaurant in Puebla, Mexico for many years.
Community Bridge Builder Award honors a woman who is deeply committed to her community and demonstrates an amazing passion for her particular cause. This honor goes to Debra Murphy of Union Bank of California. Since 1984, Debra has built relationships in the community to assist minorities and women with securing credit. Debra is also active in Soroptomist International of Corona.
The Rising Star Award winner has successfully been in business at least three years and has shown
a commitment to the success of her community. The honor goes Christi MacNee, Owner of T3Fitness Energy in Riverside, which holds classes in zumba and yoga. A Certified Personal Trainer since 1999, Christi was voted “Best Personal Trainer” from 2008 to 2010 by the Inland Empire Magazine.
The Trailblazer Award recognizes a woman who has blazed a trail which others can follow and use to create their own success. This honor goes to Eve Yen, Founder of Diamond Wipes International, Inc., who migrated to the U.S. from Taiwan in 1994. The business operations began in a modest 1700 square foot facility, and have expanded to 130,000 square feet in Chino, plus a facility in Ohio.
Tina Loza, current president of NAWBO-IE was presented with the Acknowledging NAWBO Individuals That Achieve (ANITA) Award for her dedication and outstanding service to NAWBO-IE. Loza & Loza, LLC is “An Intellectual Property Solutions Group” that serves the Inland Empire, Orange County and South Bay.
Two well-deserved young ladies received scholarships: Ashley Patnode and Yukasa Shila. Both attend California State University, San Bernardino.
About NAWBO: One of 80 chapters nationwide, NAWBO-IE is the organization of choice for women business owners in the Inland Empire, and is also a strong voice in Sacramento for public policy issues affecting women-owned businesses. To find out more about the vision and objectives of NAWBO-IE, the benefits of joining or becoming a corporate partner, please visit