Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center Brings Back the Best of the CARAT Webinars for One Month Only!
PALM DESERT, California – Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center will present ten CARAT webinars every Tuesday and Thursday beginning on February 26, and ending on March 28. All will be run at the same time, 9:30 to noon, and all will be among those that have proved to be among the most popular of CARAT’s offerings.
For those of you who have taken a CARAT webinar, this is welcome news, as you are aware of the high caliber of their facilitators and materials. For those of you have never taken one of their webinars, you are in for a treat – the series will begin with Website Development, then Social Media for Small Businesses, E-Marketing, E-Commerce, and so on. Best of all, they are free.
For more information, or to register for the workshop, contact Kim Scanlan at (760) 345-9200. To register online, go to
The Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center’s hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday by appointment only.
The Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center is a program of the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship at Cal State San Bernardino in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The CVWBC provides business counseling, training and mentoring designed for women business owners.
The program provides services in English and Spanish to Latina business owners, currently the fastest growing group of women business owners in the country.
For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Public Affairs at (909) 537-5007 and visit