FONTANA: CalFresh to Lend a Helping Hand at Fontana Farmers’ Market
CalFresh to Lend a Helping Hand at Fontana Farmers’ Market
Fontana, California, June 18, 2012 – The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce the attendance of CalFresh at the Fontana Farmers’ Market on June 23rd. The Market is located in the Center Stage Theatre parking lot on the corner of Sierra Ave. and Arrow Blvd. from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. CalFresh representatives will be on site with laptops to receive applications and answer questions regarding the program.
The CalFresh Program is a Federal State funded nutritional assistance program to help families and individuals that qualify, to buy food. CalFresh benefits are provided on an electronic card, similar to an ATM bank card and can be used to purchase food at most grocery stores. The amount of CalFresh benefits a person or family can receive is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Thrifty Food Plan and benefits are generally available to low income individuals and families who are U.S citizens and legal immigrants and:
· Have lived in the country for five (5) years, or
· Are receiving disability related assistance or benefits, regardless if entry date, or
· Are children under 18 years or age, regardless of entry date.
To fill out a CalFresh application and apply for benefits, please visit: For questions or for more information regarding the Fontana Farmers’ Market, please contact the Fontana Community Services Department at (909) 349-6900.