REDLANDS: Moon Party at the County Museum
Moon Party at the County Museum
Members of the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers will set up their telescopes at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands for a Moon Party on Saturday evening, June 30, from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Club members will bring several sizes and types of telescopes, ranging from refractors to reflectors to ‘compound’ optics. This event, suitable for all ages, is free to the public.
The telescopes will be pointed at a waxing gibbous moon, whose surface will reveal many striking features. Also in view will be the planet Saturn and its splendid rings. “No words can describe the experience as you see fascinating worlds through a variety of telescopes,” said Chris Clarke, San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers.
The San Bernardino County Museum is at the California Street exit from Interstate 10 in Redlands. Parking is free. For more information, visit The museum is accessible to persons with disabilities. If assistive listening devices or other auxiliary aids are needed in order to participate in museum exhibits or programs, requests should be made through Museum Visitor Services at least three business days prior to your visit. Visitor Services’ telephone number is 909-307-2669 ext. 229 or (TDD) 909-792-1462.