Ham Radio Operators Demonstrate Skills & Service
Ham Radio Operators Demonstrate Skills & Service
Rancho Cucamonga, CA – Imagine a 7.0 earthquake strikes along the San Andreas Fault and disrupts radio communications in the region. The cities of Upland and Rancho Cucamonga are fortunate to have a joint cadre of volunteers known as Auxiliary Communications Services (ACS) who are skilled and equipped amateur radio operators standing ready to assist with back-up communications in such an emergency. On Saturday, June 22, 2019, ACS members will take part in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise at Central Park in Rancho Cucamonga (11200 Base Line Road) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Amateur radio operators, often called “hams,” provide critical communications during a local emergency such as a wildfire or earthquake. Each year, ham radio operators use Field Day as an opportunity to hone their skills and demonstrate their communication capabilities for the public. Join us at this family-friendly event to learn about more about ham radios through demonstrations and free classes. Attendees can also learn how to obtain a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) radio license, which helps bolster emergency preparedness efforts including one’s communications plan in the event of a disaster.
The ACS program, under the direction of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District and Upland Emergency Management Program, is 40-members strong, but there are over 725,000 licensed amateur radio operators in the United States. Consider attending a free licensing test preparation class offered by ACS volunteers throughout the year. For more information about Field Day or ham radio test preparation classes, contact our Emergency Preparedness program at ReadyRC@CityofRC.us or visit www.RCFire.org/ReadyRC.
About the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District: Rancho Cucamonga is located approximately 35 miles east of Los Angeles, at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains, and is home to more than 170,000 residents. The Rancho Cucamonga Fire District provides vital fire and life safety services to residents, visitors and businesses in a 50 square mile area. Stay informed with Rancho Cucamonga Fire District activities by visiting us at www.RCFire.org, following us on Twitter (@RCFD_pio) and liking us on Facebook and Instagram.