Judge Slaps Sanctions Against Recall Advocate
The judge, who threatened a young mother with loss of custody if she complained to his court, and her child was then beaten to death by the father, slapped a $640 sanction on a children’s advocate who is leading his recall.
“It is a bad legal concept,” Richard David Boyle, President of Teachers for a Change, told San Bernardino Superior Court Judge John Pacheco, “to blame and punish a victim of a crime.” Boyle told the judge that criminals often blame the victim, either in cases of rape, or when a father murders his child to get back at his wife.
Boyle was in court over a traffic accident in August 13, 2007, when a big rig truck driver, who did not have truck insurance and had four violations in 13 months, crashed into the Mitsubishi Eclipse driven by Boyle wife, a preschool teacher, who was badly injured. Travelers Insurance Company claims that Boyle, who is representing his wife, did not respond to discovery and sought over $10,000 in sanctions.
The Boyles also appeared in Pacheco’s court on August 8, 2010, the same time that judge granted visitation rights to Alex Baeza, the father of Isaac Gallegos, 2, who died after suffering blows to the head. Baeza is in jail on first degree murder charges.
Richard Boyle spoke with Mike Lester, grandfather of the slain boy and both agreed that Pacheco acted very “arrogant, very God-like.” Boyle contacted the California Secretary of State to start the campaign to gather the 80,000 signatures to recall Pacheco. Another judge, Robert Lemkau was voted out of office Victorville last year when he called the mother of a little boy a liar, before the father then murdered his son.
Boyle has also contacted the office of Rod Hoops, Sheriff of San Bernardino County, and is filing perjury charges against the attorney for Travelers Insurance because she swore to the court that Boyle never “attempted to file” an amended complaint, and then admitted before Judge Frank Gafkowski that she got that document on January 30, 2010.
“Perjury is a very serious crime, because it shows total disrespect to the court and our system of justice,” Boyle told law enforcement officers. Boyle said that Judge Gafkowski, unlike Pacheco, is a very fair jurist. “I have been before him and Judge Michael Dest as a crime victim,” Boyle added, “they are great jurists and I think do not accept the legal concept of blaming and punishing victims of crime, instead of the criminals.”
On August 7, Boyle blasted Pacheco in the news wire service, InlandEmpire.us, calling his ruling that led to the death of the Gallegos boy “outrageous.”
Submitted by Teachers for a Change: www.teachersforachange.biz