PALM DESERT: VNA’s Volunteer Pro Recognized Karen Mourhess Awarded Volunteer of the Year
VNA’s Volunteer Pro Recognized by Palm Desert Chamber – Karen Mourhess Awarded Volunteer of the Year
Palm Desert, CA – A colorful Hawaiian theme was the setting for the Palm Desert Chamber’s Annual Outstanding Business Awards, Installation Dinner and Silent Auction at The Lakes Country Club.
The Chief Meteorologist for CBS Local2, Patrick Evans, emceed the event and introduced the 14 awards to outstanding businesses and local leaders as Palm Desert Chamber CEO Barbara deBoom presented the awards. Over 200 attendees listened as Patrick recognized people for their outstanding commitment to the Chamber.
When it came time to announce the Volunteer of the Year Award, applause erupted for Karen Mourhess, Development Manager for the Visiting Nurse Association. “Have you been to any chamber event, where you have not seen our awardee Karen Mourhess,” Evan’s asked the group. Karen is usually one of the first to arrive at any chamber function, whether it’s a breakfast, mixer, or special event. With a full schedule in managing the volunteer program for the VNA’s Nightingale Society, spearheading events to raise funds and acquainting the business community with the in-home nursing, rehabilitation and hospice services that VNA provides, Karen has more than a full plate. Yet she finds time to not only volunteer at Chamber events, but also mentor new Ambassadors, a key to keeping members engaged. Evans concluded by saying “Tonight we take time out to recognize Karen’s time spent making the Chamber and our valley a better place.”
With the VNA for over five years, Mourhess is well-known within the community for her ability to make introductions when colleagues and associates need resources. She also reaches into her network when local patients have non-medical needs that require community support. In attendance at the dinner was VNA’s CEO, Mike Rusnak. “We are really fortunate to have Karen on our team,” he commented. He emphasized that the competition for donations remains challenging, as people need more help and non-profits continue to be stretched. “We rely on Karen to be able wear many hats,” he said. “She always seems to know where to go and who to contact, whether its patients in need, providing value to our business community partners and planning and hosting our many events.”
About Visiting Nurse Association
One of the oldest providers of in-home skilled nursing services in Southern California, VNA supports 10,000+ patients with 300,000+ visits each year. The only non-profit to offer a complete continuum of home care, VNA provides Home Health, Rehabilitative, Palliative, and Hospice services throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, and North San Diego Counties. In addition, VNA’s Community Outreach efforts include Mourning Star Centers for Child and Teen Grief and Bereavement, the Nightingale Society, and Charity Care Services, as well as community seminars for adult bereavement and other health related topics and professional continuing education. For more information on services provided from the Coachella Valley to the Salton Sea, contact the Palm Desert Office at: Home Health – 760-346-3982; Hospice – 760-674-0451; or