REDLANDS: RHIS General Meeting at The Carriage House
JUNE 21 – 6:00 P.M at the CARRIAGE HOUSE
Come celebrate summer at our annual “PICNIC IN PROSPECT PARK!” Meet the owners of the beautiful gardens featured on our April Garden Tour as they receive their awards. Next, congratulate our newly installed RHIS officers for 2012-2013.
RHIS will provide fried chicken and beverages for this gourmet potluck picnic. Please bring a salad, dessert, vegetable or side dish to share plus your own table service. Table coverings will be provided and summertime floral arrangements from our RHIS Floral Design Group will be awaiting your arrival at the Carriage House in Prospect Park.
1) The meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. (not 7:00)
2) Bring your own plate and silver/plasticware
3) Bring a goodie to share.