The Root 66 Garden Needs Your Support
Help us equip our water well and irrigation system to bring to fruition the best and biggest community garden west of the Mississippi – right here in Rancho Cucamonga.
We need help to equip our water well and irrigation system for the Rancho Cucamonga Root 66 Community Garden – We have applied for the Pepsi Refresh Grant – $50,000 will be awarded to the top vote getters. We need everyone to vote everyday in June.
The Root 66 Garden will benefit our community by providing garden plots for our citizens to grow their own fresh fruits and vegetables. We will donate excess produce to local low income families and home bound seniors. We will have community service and educational opportunities for children. And, we will have a Farmer’s Market. The possibilities are endless with a 15 acre community garden. Pepsi Refresh is donating $20 million over the next year to worthy projects. Help us make our community garden one of them.
A community garden needs the help of the community. We are so close to realizing this dream. Please VOTE VOTE VOTE…
The Root 66 Garden is a non-profit project run by the Restorative Justice Center. It is run for and by the community.
The biggest and best community garden west of the Mississippi!