Trip to Calico Archaeological Site from Victor Valley Museum
Trip to Calico Archaeological Site from Victor Valley Museum
Space is still available on a San Bernardino County Museum Association trip to the Calico Early Man site in Yermo on Saturday, April 7. Reservations can be made by calling (909) 307-2669 ext. 250. The trip will depart from the Victor Valley Museum in Apple Valley at 8:30 a.m. and return about 4:30 p.m.
“We will walk the trails, learn the history of this world-famous archaeological site, and discuss the controversy surrounding it,” said Adella Schroth, curator of anthropology at the San Bernardino County Museum and the trip’s leader. “Everyone will also have the opportunity to do some actual archaeological excavation in the site’s Rock Wren pit—be sure to dress in digging clothes, bring a sun hat, and wear sturdy, comfortable shoes!”
Cost for the trip is $50 per person ($40 per Museum Association member) and includes snacks and round-trip transportation from the museum in Apple Valley. Participants should pack their own lunches.
The Victor Valley Museum is at 11873 Apple Valley Road in Apple Valley. Parking is free. For more information, visit