Western Riverside Energy Summit
Western Riverside Council of Governments and U.S. Small Business Administration Present Western Riverside Energy Summit
Bringing business and local government together to promote energy conservation and increased efficiencies
Thursday, September 22, 2011
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
City of Temecula Civic Center
41000 Main Street
Temecula, CA
Featuring Event Keynote Speaker:
Walter McQuire, President of the Environmental Policy Center, creator and manager for California’s award-winning statewide “Felix Your Power” energy conservation and efficiency campaign.
Featured Presenter:
Kirk Prather, BSEE and MBA in Industrial Engineering from the California Manufacturing Technology Consulting ( CMTC) will present a seminar and provide tips on how to create Energy Savings for manufacturing companies.
Opportunities to network with representatives from 16 cities in Riverside County, energy providers and local businesses.
Register today, space is limited.
Lunch is $25.00 per person – Display tables are available for $50.00 each
Questions: Call Jill Andrews at SBA at 714-560-7466 or e mail to jill,andrews@sba.gov
For those of you who have already registered for this event and those of you would like to attend this great event, please note the change in month and date from Thursday, May 12th to Thursday, September 22nd