10th Annual "Rally 'Round the Flag10th Annual "Rally 'Round the Flag " Barbecue Barbecue
Tuesday June 14, 2011
- Moreno Valley Master Chorale
- Flag Jeopardy
- Opportunity Drawings
- Flag Folding Ceremony
Guest Speaker: Mike Goldware, Vexillologist
6:00 pm No Host Bar
7:00pm Dinner
Make Your Own Gourmet Hamburger and Hotdog Bar (BBQ sponsored by Miller-Jones Mortuary)
Please RSVP by June 8, 2011 to 951.697.4404 or mail your check to Moreno Valley Chamber of Commerce
12625 Frederick Street #E3, Moreno Valley, CA 92553
$35.00 per person*
Please make checks payable to: Military Affairs Committee
Moreno Valley Chamber of Commerce
Military Affairs Committee
March Field Air Museum
Join us under the stars for this exciting and patriotic event and show support to our brave men and women in uniform.
Sponsorships Available
Door Prizes Welcome
All proceeds go to the men and women of March ARB, the deploying and returning troops out of March ARB for Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom and March Field Air Museum.